Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Secret Touch

Children all over this country and around the world are being abused by not only strangers, but by those they love and trust. It seems parents today, out of fear of being inappropriate, do not take the time to sexually educated their kids. Parents have to realize that our present society has forced us to break old fashion taboos and face the facts that our kids face potential dangers from not only strangers but from those who they know as well. Sex is as real as it has always been and it doesn't wait for our children to mature before it impacts their social world. We have to teach our kids the importance of learning how to say "NO" to any form of touching that may cause discomfort. Children should respect their elders, but they should also be taught how to respect and protect themselves as well. Parents have to also assume responsibility in not only their children's behavior, but also in their kid's physical appearance. Fashion has influenced the attitudes of our kids and parents, allowing us to think that what a 25 year old wears is appropriate for a 13 year old as well. We complain that our children are wanting to grow up too fast and yet we condition them to think this way by allowing the breakage of important boundaries. Children need to be protected, but it has to start at home.